See below for high-level descriptions of SWE-KC’s committees.

Please let us know us know your interest if you are interested in joining a committee

  • Outreach Committee
    • Coordinates and ensures STEM outreach events are chaired throughout the year. Updates SWE Executive Council at monthly meetings in regards to event needs and progress. Outreach events include: Expanding Your Horizons, SWE Robotics Luncheon, Science Fair, SWE Next, and classroom engagements.
    • Time Commitment: 1 hr monthly meeting; 1-2 hrs/month planning events
  • ​Events Committee
    • ​​Coordinates and ensures networking and social events are planned for every month of the year. Events are varied often include meet and greets, community service, and a cookie exchange. Creates event flyers and maintains RSVP information.
    • Time Commitment: 1 hr monthly meeting; 1-2 hrs/month planning events
  • ​Membership Committee
    • Collects event sign-in sheets, runs monthly reports, and is in charge of planning an annual event hosted by the SWE-KC fellows. Plans new ways to retain and recruit members. In charge of welcoming and on-boarding new members. Represents and works the SWE-KC table at area events.
    • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month
  • WE KC Committee
    • Plans and executes our fall professional development event. This includes opportunities for arranging speakers, working with the venue, approaching sponsors, and communicating with attendees to deliver a valuable conference for women engineers and technologists.
    • Time Commitment: 1 hr monthly meeting; 1-2 hrs planning/month (more hours closer to the August event)
  • ​Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (IGED) & IGED Jr Committees
    • These two committees plan and execute our Spring and Fall STEM outreach programs to Middle and High School students. Opportunities include student and mentor coordination, hands-on activity planning, venue coordination, and so much more.
    • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month (more hours closer to the events)
    • We ask that you make a minimum 2 year commitment to the committee, attend at least two of the three in-person work days that occur in the month leading up to each event, and be on-site for the event day.
  • ​Communications Committee
    • ​Manage Social Media accounts
    • Maintain the SWE-KC website (no programming required)
    • Seek articles from members after events to compose into a seasonal newsletter
    • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month
  • ​Awards Committee
    • ​​Works to recognize SWE-KC members by nominating them for Kansas City area, WE Local and Society awards. Seeks to find new ways of surfacing SWE-KC members personal and professional accomplishments.
    • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month (more hours closer to awards nomination deadlines)
  • Individual Events Opportunities
    • Work with the Executive Council and committee chairs to organize and run a single event. Some single events we’ve planned in the past are the following:
      • Cookie Exchange
      • SWE Robotics Luncheon
      • Mocktails and Mingle
      • SWE Talks
      • Collegiate Resume and Job Fair Workshop
      • Summer Picnic
      • A Meet and Greet
    • Single volunteer opportunities could include volunteering during the day for an event listed above, writing a newsletter article or working the SWE-KC membership booth at area events.  The possibilities are endless. Have a new idea? Let us know at the link above.

*Note: Time commitments are approximations for committee members. Committee Chair positions may require more hours.

More details regarding the committee chair positions can be found on the Role Descriptions page.